Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Autumn in England

 Sorry for the gap in posts. We have re located to the UK and , although I would not exactly call us settled , we are gradually feeling moved in!

This is the first Autumn that I have spent in England for almost 20 years. I thoroughly enjoy all the seasons and  it is hard to decide which one is favourite but I think that, perhaps, Autumn is it. We have been picking blackberries in the wild and apples and late raspberries from the garden and I have been making crumbles, pies , jams and jellies. We live near several beautiful woods and  a forest and have enjoyed walks and bike rides through the gradually changing trees , across acorn stewn paths .

Last Friday was the Autumn equinox. An equinox occurs when the earths axis is inclined , either away or towards the sun and  day and night have approximately the same length. After the Autumn equinox the days become noticeably shorter and the evenings begin to draw in; we are clearly reminded that summer is over and winter is approaching. It is a cosy time of year and having lived in the tropics for the last three and half years I have missed cosy!

The celebrations of Autumn include Harvest Festival, Michaelmas, All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day. We have always celebrated All Saints but having lived in countries where Autumn is either not so noticable or non existant we have not observed  the others. This year we are discovering the pleasure of Autumn and I plan to celebrate Michaelmas , which falls on September 29th , this weekend.

Plans and ideas to follow!